Bulk Mail Center
If you plan to mail identical mail pieces to more than 200 recipients, then it can be classified as bulk mail, and it is possible to save a significant amount of money in postage fees, and use a variety of services from Campus Mail's Bulk Mail Center. We offer:
- Sorting: in accordance with US Postal Service regulations
- Metering: First Class and non-profit bulk rate
- Labeling: Addessing and other information
- Folding: Letters, self-mailers, brochures
- Inserting: Letters, cards, brochures
For creating copying jobs, please use the Copy Center site.
Before you print your mailing
We strongly recommend that you provide us a sample of the mailing before you have it printed, either as a printed sample, or as a PDF. This allows us to catch any elements of your artwork design that might be incompatible with US Postal regulations, saving you both time and money.
You can send us a hardcopy sample via campus mail, to Eliseo Martinez, Campus Mail Services, or bring it to J Baskin Engineering, room 25, right by the loading dock. Alternatively, you can email bulkmail@ucsc.edu a PDF of the file.
Mailings less than 6.125 " H x 11.5" W (oriented to the address) can qualify for letter rates. Larger pieces are considered flats and are charged a higher postage rate, even if they weigh the same as a letter.
To qualify for bulk mail rates, there needs to be a minimum of 200 pieces, all the same weight and size, with a maximum of 3.3 ounces for letters and 16 ounces for flats. Advertising for credit cards, insurance and travel are prohibited.
Destination | Domestic mail only |
Size limits | All pieces must be rectangular or square in shape, weigh less than 16 ounces, and meet the following dimenision requirements: Letters
Indicia (when used) |
A bulk-mail indicia must be:
Pre-canceled stamp (when used) |
A pre-canceled stamp must be:
ZIP codes | ZIP codes are required on every address. Mail pieces must be sorted in ascending ZIP code order. Mail pieces with incorrect ZIP codes are undeliverable and disposed of by the USPS unless otherwise indicated. Contact (831) 459-2764, for information about:
Return address | Use this return address format:
Inserts | All inserts must be identical in size, weight, and texture including paper:
Material may not be handwritten. |
Once your mailing has been printed
Please email bulkmail@ucsc.edu to schedule a pickup of your mailing.
Formatting your Address List
Please provide us with an excel or tab delimited txt list of recipient addresses. Please include the following, each in a separate field,
- the name of the recipient,
- the name of the department or company (if applicable),
- the street address,
- the city,
- the state,
- the zip code.
You can email this list to bulkmail@ucsc.edu for processing.
Processing and Follow-up
Address data will be checked and standardized with the Postal Service's national address database.
- Addresses that do not match will be returned to you. Mail Services will attempt to determine why addresses do not match.
- Addresses that do not match cannot be mailed at discount rates, and must be mailed at full First Class rates. You must let us know whether to include them in your mailing or not.
Service | Rate |
BMC Standard Postage Markup | 17% |
Labor | $46.20 per hour |
Hours |
Monday through Friday |
Location |
J Baskin Engineering, |
Phone | (831) 459-2354 | |
bulkmail@ucsc.edu |